Karin & Carl Collection

The home of artistic rebels

The artist couple Karin and Carl Larsson's unique home sometimes gets mistaken for an ordinary but well-preserved home of its time. Nothing could be more wrong. The artists’ home was radically different, norm-breaking and liberating wayward to almost everyone. With this trend collection, we want to shed light on the spouses Larsson's common deed; their amazing home in which they broke the norm one room at a time.

Live, Let Live, Leave Traces

Carl and Karin were outnumbered by their eight, highly loved, children. Sons and daughters who inspired everything from the motifs in the artworks to the actual floor plan. Lilla Hyttnäs grew from 4 to winding 14 rooms during the family’s time in the house. Karin designed furniture and textiles in the home that Carl depicted with his graphically precise style. The Larsson family loved their home and lived in it as if no one were to live there after them. Which, in hindsight, showed to be true.

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