Napravite dizajn tapeta po mjeri

Studio za dizajn po mjeri

Ne možete pronaći savršen dizajn za svoj projekt? Naš studio za dizajn po narudžbi može vam pomoći da oživite svoju viziju pomoću tapeta izrađenih po narudžbi koje su izričito skrojene prema vašim potrebama. Dopustite nam da zajedno s vama stvorimo jedinstveni dizajn koji savršeno pristaje vašem prostoru i stilu.

Neograničene mogućnosti prilagodbe

  • Mogu li izraditi vlastitu pozadinu? Da, možete!

  • Možete li napraviti pozadinu od slike? Da, možemo!

  • Krugovi skiciranja i revizije

  • Promjena boje u postojeći dizajn

  • Promijenite mjerilo i proporcije

  • Uklonite ili dodajte objekte

  • Umetnite tekst i logotipe

  • Skeniranje i prilagođavanje uzorka vašem izvornom dizajnu

Realize Your Vision With Our Design Studio

We create bespoke wallpaper from your design or our collections. Our excellent, high-quality product has a unique design, and we are proud of our craftsmanship. We can customize all our designs to your preferences and make your and your client's wallpaper dreams come true. We just need your wall's dimensions and your idea, and we will create a custom-made mural to fit your project as a glove.

We got the tools, and you got the ideas. Together, we will create magical walls and happy customers.

It’s A Piece Of Cake To Make Adjustments

Adapt the design to your wall

We can easily centralize objects for a perfect result


Help your client to realize your vision with a large bespoke sample. Order an entire length of wallpaper for a better overview of the design. With our designer, you can choose which section from the design and which scale you want to get the sample.

Fee: 42 USD


Connect with our friendly project sales team, dedicated to bringing your vision to life. With their expertise, any design dream is within reach, creating a vibrant and personalized collaboration between you and our designer.