Marble Wallpaper
With the resurgence of powerful whites and dark mysterious black colors, marble wallpaper falls into the space as a happy medium. It incorporates elements from each opposite and can pull together a room as the final piece that you need.
Tipuri de produse
Picturile murale și tapetul sunt ambele eficiente pentru a vă personaliza spațiul, fiecare oferind beneficii unice. Wallpaper-urile au modele mai mici, care se repetă, în timp ce picturile murale au adesea modele mai mari, mai atrăgătoare, care atrag atenția.
Wall Mural
O pictură murală înfățișează adesea un design unic, de impact, cum ar fi un peisaj pitoresc, adaptat explicit la dimensiunile peretelui dvs. Muralele de perete sunt livrate în role, fiecare panou fiind numerotat pentru o instalare fără efort.
Muralele de perete au câteva modele diferite de repetare:
Complet repetabil: Modelul din aceste picturi murale se repetă fără probleme atât pe verticală, cât și pe orizontală. Acest lucru înseamnă că, indiferent dacă aveți tavane înalte sau doriți să tapetați un perete lat sau mai mulți pereți, modelul va arăta bine fără a-și pierde scara sau proporțiile.
Repetabil orizontal: Modelul din aceste picturi murale se repetă orizontal. Acest lucru înseamnă că este perfect pentru un perete lat sau mai mulți pereți, dimensiunea modelului se va adapta la înălțimea peretelui.
Nerepetabil: Aceste picturi murale sunt excelente pentru a face un punct focal izbitor într-o cameră. De obicei, sunt destinate unui singur perete de accent și nu au un model care se repetă. Acesta ar putea fi un tapet creat dintr-o fotografie, de exemplu.
Tapetul prezintă modele care se repetă vertical în jos, oferind o atmosferă armonioasă și decorativă unei încăperi. Wallpaper-urile sunt produse în rulouri, iar calculatorul nostru de rulouri vă ajută să determinați de câte rulouri aveți nevoie în funcție de dimensiunile peretelui dvs.
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More Wallpaper Motifs
Modern Marble Wall Murals
Marble wallpaper crafts a stunning aesthetic to your next home project. Abstract lines and an earthy tone will certainly elevate any room in all lighting. The rocky texture pairs well with wood furnishing and decor as well as marble countertops and accessories. Find your perfect marble wallpaper with Rebel Walls!
Marble wallpaper designs offer a calming and reassuring feeling. The rocky inspiration and earthy textures are grounding and exciting. Feel one with the earth in steadiness and power.
Bring together a newfound depth to your home interior with a marble wall mural. Whether you are looking to renovate your entire home or change the feeling of an individual room, look no further than our selection above at Rebel Walls.
Romberg, Grey
Romberg, Grey is a powerful and unique wallpaper design. Its organic lines and inspiration are derived from a book found in Marie Olsson Nylander’s Palazzo Cirillo dating back to 1861. Soft grey and black shades sprinkled in with white accents give this wallpaper fantastic depth that can be used both as a focal point as well as an interesting background.
Opulence, Pink Marble
Opulence, Pink Marble is one of our favorite designs. This delicate pattern features a meticulously crafted design that appears as it is continuously flowing across the wall. The luxurious flair is ever present in its Japanese-inspired gold line work. It is a fantastic pattern for dining rooms, living rooms, bedrooms and beyond. The color scheme is also easily adaptable to any home interior decor.
Our Fragments wall mural is inspired by the intersection of paint splatters and marble designs. The grays, blacks, and whites are playful across the wall and create a welcoming space for all friends and family. The wallpaper is a handcrafted design of supreme quality which gives a soft and intriguing appeal and appearance.
Perfect for The Kitchen
Marble wallpaper makes for a beautiful addition to any kitchen. It brings an enchanting effect along with pairing well with all elements in the room. The cool tones match well with metallic elements in the kitchen such as the sink and other appliances such as dishwashers and refrigerators.
It is a clean-looking design that will surely turn heads and make for a stunning space. Shape your new room into a refined and tasteful area that will last a lifetime.
Along with fitting into a kitchen well, marble wall murals are a great way to bring new light and life into rooms such as the living room. The stone texture brings in an ambient and elegant style.
Bring Your Dreams to Reality
Create your dream home and incorporate a marble finish into your walls. Imagine the look of an intricate and intriguing design across your living room wall. Picture how it plays with the natural light as well as other light features and interior decor.
Create a space that you will fall in love with and give you a true home feeling. With a design as classic and time-tested as marble is, you can be sure that this style will persist far into the future and remain relevant.
Breathtaking Organic Marble Design
Nature is one of our biggest inspirations for our hand-drawn designs. We look inwards and to our surroundings to create the most beautiful designs we can to both inspire and promote positivity. All of our products are sustainably sourced and made with the highest quality materials to give you the best product we can.
Sustainability is a value that stands at our core and we aim to do all that we can to reduce our carbon footprint. With the surroundings that have inspired us to create, we seek to give back and make sure that our products are sustainable. We hope that you fall in love with a marble wallpaper from Rebel Walls.